Course Description

How do our bodies process medication, food, and alcohol? Dr. Sharon will give us an in-depth understanding of how our liver functions. Interpreters will learn how over-the-counter meds are broken down in our system. We will hopefully leave this course with a better understanding of how specific consumables affect our bodies. Dr. Sharon takes us to a micro level of how the liver functions.

(0.25 CEUs)

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction Liver

    2. Interview pt1 Liver

    3. Quiz Interview pt1

    4. Interview pt2 Liver

    5. Quiz Interview pt2

    6. Interview pt3 Liver

    7. Quiz Interview pt3

    8. Vocab Liver

    9. Vocab Quiz

    10. Outro Liver

    11. Course Survey

About this course

  • 11 lessons

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