Course description

Have you ever been undecided about interpreting a funeral? Or have you ever regretted interpreting one?

This course will give you the insights necessary to help you determine whether to accept or decline this type of assignment. We will discuss everything from planning, to the actual services and how different funerals can be. We will give you tips on asking the right questions before even accepting the job, as well as the preparation you can do on-site. This informative course will equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary for future funeral assignments.

(0.25 CEUs)

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction Funerals

    2. Interview Funerals pt1

    3. Interview Quiz

    4. Interview Funerals pt2

    5. Interview Quiz

    6. Vocabulary Funerals

    7. Vocabulary Quiz

    8. Course Review Funerals

    9. Course Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 9 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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